International Network for the Critical Appraisal of Arts and Health Research


Uni Salzburg  Dr. Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring   Foto: Kolarik Andreas 27.02.2020

Paris Lodron University & University Mozarteum Salzburg

Host institutions

 SIAM in cooperation with the Interuniversity Organisation Knowledges & Arts 

(Paris Lodron University Salzburg/Mozarteum University Salzburg)


The International Network for the Critical Appraisal of Arts and Health Research seeks to promote excellence and critical appraisal in arts and health practice and research. It is concerned with critical appraisal and research quality and aims to develop evidence-based practice and policy – both being reliant on good quality research. The network will cultivate the development of inclusive networks for knowledge transfer of contemporary arts-for-health practices and will address the promotion of mental and physical health in all age groups, including those with acute and chronic illness and special needs. Furthermore, the network seeks international collaboration to develop clinical standards for adjuvant arts for health practices and social prescribing schemes, along with assessing their impacts. 


  • promote excellence through robust and transparent appraisal of arts and health research.
  • develop guidelines for conducting and reporting arts and health research and evidence reviews.
  • critically assess the role of research in shaping arts and health policies and evidence-based practices.


For more information about the researchers, please click on their name.


University of Jyväskylä

University of Oxford

UNI Salzburg Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Math. Dr. Arne Bathke,  Foto: Kolarik Andreas 09.03.2022

Paris Lodron University Salzburg   (Bild © Kolraik)

Hilary Bungay2021

Anglia Ruskin University


University of Ottawa


University of Jyväskylä


The University of Western Australia

Helena-headshot (1)

University of York


Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Bild © Foto Meyer)

University of the West of England

Lund University


University of Southern Denmark  Zealand University


University Oldenburg


University of Jyväskylä

McCrary New Headshot 2024 Compressed

Hannover Medical School


University of London


University of the Balearic 


University of Jyväskylä

Matthew color

University of Vienna

University Oldenburg


Copenhagen University Hospital

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Leonhard Thun-Hohenstein für Benevento Publishing, Red Bull Media House.

Salzburg Institute for Arts in Medicine (Bild © Georg Kukuvec)


St. Luke’s International Hospital


University of Vienna


Michael Studnicka

Paracelsus Medical University


Michael T. Tan Koon Boon

University of the Arts Singapore


Kaasgaard, M., Grebosz-Haring, K., Davies, C., Musgrave, G., Shriraam, J., McCrary, J. M., & Clift, S. (2024)
Clift, S., Bathke, A., Daffern, H., Davies, C., Grebosz-Haring, K., Kaasgaard M., McCrary J., Musgrave, G. & Thun-Hohenstein, L. (2024)
Clift, S., Grebosz-Haring, K., Thun-Hohenstein, L., Schuchter-Wiegand, A. K., Bathke, A., & Kaasgaard, M. (2024)
Grebosz-Haring, K., Thun-Hohenstein, L., Schuchter-Wiegand, A. K., Bathke, A. C., & Clift, S. (2023)
Culture for health?
Clift, S., Daffern, H., Davies, C., Grebosz-Haring, K., Kaasgaard, M., McCrary & J. M., Musgrave G. (2022)
Clift, S., Grebosz-Haring, K., Thun-Hohenstein, L., Schuchter-Wiegand, A. K. & Bathke, A. C. (2022)
Grebosz-Haring, K., Thun-Hohenstein, L., Schuchter-Wiegand, A. K., Irons, Y., Bathke, A. C., Phillips, K. & Clift, S. (2022)
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